What Is a Bail Bond?

Bail Bonds in Bartow, FL

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Over 54 Years of Experience

Your Guide to Bail Bonds

Are you wondering exactly what bail bonds in Bartow, FL are? We've seen that it's pretty common for individuals not to know. For many people, bail bonds only become important in a critical moment of need. Until then, it's easy to be confused about bail bonds or completely unaware of them. As a leading provider of bail bonds in Bartow, FL, we're happy to let you know what they're all about.

Bail bonds play a large role in the U.S. justice system, so it's crucial for you to understand them if you end up on the wrong side of the law. In many cases, an individual can pay bail themselves after being arrested. However, individuals who can't afford it will procure a bail bond. A bail bond is essentially a pass to be released from jail instead of waiting there until trial. However, bail bonds come with a cost. Once this cost has been paid, the individual who's been arrested is free to leave jail and spend their time however they wish until they appear at court on the date their trial is scheduled.

Let's Dig Into Bail Bonds a Little Deeper

Before you look for bail bonds in Winter Haven, FL, here are some more details to know. A bail bond works as an agreement for the court's money to be paid if a defendant does not meet the terms of their release. The bond is co-signed by a bail bondsman, who will charge the defendant a certain amount of money in exchange for guaranteeing the court payment. In our experience, there's typically a deposit fee for the bail bond, and it's a percentage of the entire bail amount set by the courts.

The defendant is only required to pay the initial deposit fee if they appear at court. If they fail to appear at court, then they will be responsible for paying the full bail amount. Give Zona Long Bail Bonds a call today to learn more about bail bonds in Winter Haven, FL.

Over 54 years of experience at our local, family-owned business. Speak English and Spanish.


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